Practice Support Group (Online Only)

Hindrances and Habits

Sundays, May 5, 12, 19, June 2, 9 & 16
10:00-11:45am PDT

led by
Dharma Teacher Emeritus,
Anna Douglas


In this 6 class series we will explore (through mindfulness and inquiry) the hindrances to wakefulness - There are five main ones, easily identified in our daily lives, as they frequently dominate our experience. They are Greed, (addiction), Aversion, (from impatience to blind rage), Sloth and Torpor, Restlessness and Worry, and Doubt (in self and in others).

Having six classes over a period of 2 months gives us time to really look at how these manifest in our daily habitual reactivity . We will learn the 5 steps to transform hindrances as well as how to access their opposites – generosity, kindness, confidence, peace and calm, and energized participation in life.

We will also have time to change habits driven by one or more of these unwholesome and afflictive tendencies. Names given to the hindrances in the Dharma world are “poisons of the mind” and “beautiful monsters.” They are understood to be the primary drivers of our suffering and our erroneous beliefs and opinions. One dharma teacher recently wrote : “The untrained mind is the most dangerous thing in the world right now.” Is it not true? Corporate greed, and consumer addiction drive our world. As do violence, war, terrorism, hate crimes. And where is the wisdom needed to un-do systems of exploitation and plunder of our only earth? When we un-do our own attachments, our aversion, and our delusion we are actively helping life on earth to thrive.

Please join us!

This class is suitable for anyone who has received and practiced basic instructions in mindfulness.


Sundays, May 5, 12, 19, June 2, 9 &16
10:00-11:45am PDT
Note: Arizona is the same as Pacific Daylight Time (California)


This class will take place via Zoom, an online meeting platform. 


6 week class: $150-$60
For those of you on a limited budget pay what you can. No one will be turned away.

Sit every day and the teachings come alive!  

The Practice Support Group is designed to help you establish a consistent and nourishing daily practice.   Whether you sit 10, 20, 30 or 40 or 50 minutes daily this class will help you to find a length and frequency that works for you. When questions or challenges arise there is the opportunity to explore them in the weekly group.  

Participating in a Dharma group is one of the most supportive things we can do to help our meditation practice grow.  


For any questions contact Terry by email at or leave a voice message at 520-477-1897.


Registration is required. Once you register you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. Please click below to register and make your donation.

Anna Douglas, PhD., is the founder of Insight Meditation Tucson, and one of the founding teachers of Spirit Rock Meditation Center.  In 1986 she was one of five Dharma students invited to train in Jack Kornfield's groundbreaking program of practice and study for new teachers.  Although Anna's background is in psychology and the arts, she has had the good fortune as well as the deep aspiration to be able to do many long retreats in the vipassana/insight tradition.  For many years her focus in teaching was to guide people in long retreats.  She also created and taught mindfulness retreats for yoga practitioners and teachers,  and for 15 years taught an annual creativity retreat using painting and writing as the mediums of exploration.   In more recent years Anna's teaching has included classes and retreats on aging and dying. She is grateful for the many wonderful opportunities for practice and for teaching she continues to enjoy.  This includes offering spiritual guidance to those for whom the Dharma is an ongoing wellspring of spiritual nourishment and inspiration.  Anna is available for individual mentoring/guidance in the practice of insight meditation.    Even as old age and various forms of decrepitude advance, her deepest wish is that the blessings of Dharma continue to be felt and shared for the benefit of all!